How to become a Queen of the World National Director (N.D.) ?
Requirements: ND will either choose a contestant of his country or will organize a Queen of the World National Contest of his country by the strictly use of our regulations and Queen of the World Logos and Designs
ND must ensure and arrange:
Free Flight for National Queen of the World contestant to QUEEN OF THE WORLD final at hosted country.
Flight can also be covered by one of his sponsors)
ND must guarantee that contestant of his country:
- will show up at the world final and bring along:
- 2 evening gowns
- 2 bikinis (one of them in black color)
- casual wear and cocktail dresses
- high heels, casual shoes and sport shoes
- swim shoes
- sport wear
- a national costume
- a national flag of your country 100 x 70 cm
- passport
- visa to the country of World Final - Egypt
- health insurance
- pocket money / safety money at least 250$
- credit card
- medical certificate that contestant can participate
- a white country sash with our original logos
(please ask us for logos and designs in high res)
All Queens will also perform in a talent show - please - prepair a 2- 4 minutes showpart of yours and bring
along the neccessary items and music (MP3 file on a USB stick)
IF you like to become a Queen of the World National Director please Email us:
and send us:
- your name
- your fully adress
- your Email and phone number
- your facebook name
- name of country of QUEEN you like to send
- some words about your experience in the
business of beauty contests
- your company logo
- your portrait photo
a short statement that you will guaranee the above given requrements
Best regards William A. Balser CEO Queen of the World